Next week, here in Notre Dame Regional Secondary the physics classes will be building bridges. They will also be having a contest to compete with eachother. For which bridge(s) are strong, stable and have followed the restrictions. Each bridge will be measured by how heavy the bridge can hold the weight. At the end, the competitors will be getting prizes based on their bridge. The 2000 Winner and current record holder is Matthew Sullivan; 209. 4 kg. Not only have there been records but there are also bridges with disasters. Sponsors for the bridge building contest are Collings Johnston Inc., British Columbia Institute of Technology, Bridge Ink and many others. 

Vancouver is the city of many interesting bridges, here's my favorite:
The Skytrain Bridge, New Westminster-Surrey BC. Built at 1986 for Skytrain transit.
The Skytrain Bridge, New Westminster-Surrey BC. Built at 1986 for Skytrain transit.

One interesting site is Bridges of Paris, this is found at the homepage near the bottom in the list of additional links.