Before we reach the holidays, my class and I are beginning to start a new program. Which is called Python. To help you view what python is, these are two sites that you might be interested in viewing:
I have added google analytics for atleast 1 to 2 weeks. so far, I have 9 visits coming from Canada and the cities are Vancovuer and New Westminister. Google Analytics is a program that views and saves reports on who views my website.
This program of One Laptop Per Child Foundation was founded by Nicholas Negroponte with the help of many special people. Its mission is to provide children that are less fortunate around the world to learn, explore and discover new oppurtunities and to enjoy the laptop.
For more information or wanting to particpate to the program go to the main website:
This year in ICT 12 the class and I have learned to use Turbo Pascal, and Visual Basics. We've also talked and used other certain programming languages; Java, C++, Python and much more!